The AI Hype Trap

The AI Hype trap


How it sometimes feels when looking at social media for AI.

So, have you noticed how everyone’s buzzing about AI lately? Social media is flooded with folks hyping up the latest “amazing” AI developments. They’re sharing all these slick text-to-video clips and making bold claims like “coding is dead” or “Hollywood is over.”

But let’s pump the brakes for a second.

A lot of these posts are coming from people who haven’t actually tried the tech themselves. They’re just resharing vendor demos or highly curated samples to get clicks and boost their follower count. It’s like they’re waving around shiny objects to grab our attention, without really understanding what’s behind them.

The problem with this is that it creates a ton of noise and not much substance. It makes AI seem like it’s some magic wand that’s about to upend everything overnight. But in reality, the technology is still developing, and those jaw-dropping demos aren’t always representative of what you and I can actually use right now.

Take the recent flood of text-to-video examples. Sure, the clips look impressive, but they’re often the result of cherry-picking the best outputs after countless tries. And the people sharing them? Many probably didn’t create the clips themselves—they’re just using them to drive traffic to their newsletters or social media profiles.

So, how do we navigate this sea of hype without getting swept away? Here are a few thoughts:

  • Stay Skeptical of Over-the-Top Claims: If someone is declaring that an entire industry is dead because of AI, it’s worth taking a step back. Dramatic statements make for good headlines but usually lack nuance.

  • Look for Genuine Experiences: Seek out insights from people who’ve actually used the technology. Firsthand accounts can give you a much clearer picture of what’s possible and what’s just smoke and mirrors.

  • Don’t Fall for Clickbait Hooks: Phrases like “coding is dead” are designed to get clicks. Instead of taking them at face value, dig a little deeper to see what’s really being said.

  • Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Find communities or forums where people are having honest discussions about AI—the good, the bad, and everything in between.

  • Educate Yourself: The more you know about how AI actually works, the easier it is to spot when something doesn’t add up.

At the end of the day, AI is an incredibly exciting field with lots of potential, but it’s not without its limitations. By keeping a critical eye and not getting caught up in the hype, we can appreciate the real advancements being made.

So next time you see an “amazing” AI demo or a bold claim on social media, take a moment to read between the lines. There’s a lot of noise out there, but with a bit of discretion, we can find the signal and stay informed without being misled.

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